8 Ideas To Generate Real Estate Leads with YouTube Ads

A professional real estate marketing agency may wisely advise you to harness the power of YouTube advertising to market your services. This popular medium has gained steam in recent years as more prospective homebuyers turn to it to find the property of their dreams. Because you do not want to waste your valuable marketing budget, it is important that you know all of the best tips to use YouTube advertising for real estate agents. Here are eight proven strategies to get you started.

Design an Effective Channel Page: Like the landing page on your company website, your YouTube channel page will deliver the first impression to your potential clients. Make it count by taking the time to design a functional and visually pleasing channel page to encourage viewers to stick around and watch the videos. To optimize your channel page, it needs to include elements such as a distinctive profile image, a banner, a trailer video, an accompanying description, an “about us” section, and a playlist that is easy to navigate and search. The ultimate goal of your channel page should be to capture new leads.

Use Copy Optimized for Searches: Similar to other types of internet marketing tools, you need to optimize the copy that you use to fit with the most common searches. Because YouTube is owned by Google, you can lean on the same search-optimization keywords for this platform as you do for your other online ventures. You want your videos to appear high in the Google rank search so that they draw more viewers. Do not underestimate the power of the copy that you use to make this happen.

This is where it is also important to use localized search language or words that appeal to a specific type of buyer. For instance, you will most likely want to include the city or community as part of the search copy. If your target market is affluent buyers, you will want to use words such as “premium” and “luxury” in your copy. Conversely, if you are targeting first-time buyers, better copy words include “affordable” or “starter home.”

Post Engaging Content: At the end of the day, all of the optimized copy and snazzy graphics on your channel page will not matter if you do not offer engaging content. You need to position yourself as a leading expert in the industry so that users will look to you as a valuable resource. Do this by posting engaging content that is both informative and entertaining. Good ideas include market trends in your area, community information, and hot listings.

Add a Call to Action: Any good marketing content includes a defined call to action (CTA). This principle is no different when using videos. Your videos should include multiple CTAs scattered throughout the content, inviting viewers to reach out to contact you. Be sure to provide a variety of options. For example, you may want to include a phone number, an email, and a website. The CTAs should come in the form of verbal invitations as well as written statements.

Provide Clickable Connections: In addition to CTAs, it is also recommended to provide clickable connections embedded within your videos. Make it as easy as possible for a viewer to click through to your website landing page or social media profiles when watching your content. They should not have to search for ways to get additional information. The connection needs to be intuitive and fast so that you do not risk missing this potential opportunity to capture a new lead.

Go After Your Target Market: While you may be tempted to make your content as general as possible to appeal to a wide variety of demographics, you will see more success if you intentionally go after your target market. Creating specific content that appeals to your niche market will ensure that you are not wasting your time on viewers who will never be a customer. In order to create this targeted content, you need to establish clear parameters to define this market. You will boost the odds that you garner qualified leads if the right eyes are viewing your content in the first place.

Leverage Cross Promotion: While YouTube is undoubtedly a powerful marketing vehicle, you need to get the viewers there to make it work. This means that you need to employ a promotion strategy that will attract more users to your channel. This is where cross-promotion is so important. For example, if you already enjoy a robust social media presence, be sure to market your YouTube page extensively on this platform. Other good ideas include making shorter clips of your videos to promote on Instagram Reels or TikTok, embedding your YouTube videos in your promotional emails, purchasing advertising to drive traffic to your YouTube channel page, and asking your social media followers to share your video channel. There is no limit to the ways in which you can cross-promote if you are willing to look into other avenues.

Encourage Engagement: The best YouTube channels are those that generate engagement. The goal is to encourage your visitors to do more than just simply view the videos. Every time that you post a new video, get in the habit of asking your viewers to like or comment on the video. Alternatively, you can also ask them to subscribe to your channel. The more engagement that you encourage, the more that your viewers will feel attached to your brand. This will snowball into more leads and a positive impact on your bottom line.

Boasting millions of users each month, you would be wise to figure out how to use YouTube ads for realtors to your advantage. These tips will provide the necessary framework as you get started using this video medium to promote your brand.